Janx Holistic Health and Fitness

Who Am I


Hi welcome to my website.



What started many years ago as a personal health quest, has developed into a Holistic Health and Fitness service.

My mission in life, is to be an inspiration of Health and Vitality -  to say there is light at the end of the tunnel. If I can do it, then you can too!

Over the past 15 years, I have qualified in a variety of practices - which I feel build up a holistic approach to health and vitality. These range from Massage, Reiki Level 3, Reflexology, Nutrition,       Life Alignment, Pilates, Fitness Classes, Personal Training, Life Coaching, Nia White Belt Instructor and Nia Blue Belt Instructor. I have recently qualified as a mindfulness practitioner. The last three I feel have really brought a balance to my life. An awareness of how your body moves and to being present in the moment.


Love, Light and Abundance





Dip F.T.S.T.,I.H.B.C.,F.S.M.T.,R.S.A., EXTEND. Institute of Pilates trained, Member of The Coaching Academy UK Ltd., Nia White Belt and Blue Belt Instructor, Professional Mindfulness Practitioner.

